
Known all over the world

Framus instruments have enjoyed great popularity for decades. In our archive we present many artists & bands from the 50s, 60s and 70s.

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From the classical violin, the Attila Zoller guitars, to the legendary Star Bass, the Framus museum collection shows a unique variety for a German instrument manufacturer. As a precursor to the industrial guitar production in Europe, Framus stood for an array of innovations and developments that still endure and are relevant to this day. Some of these technical innovations are displayed in the museum and provide an important insight into a piece of German instrument manufacturing history.

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Framus instruments have enjoyed great popularity for decades. In our archive we present many artists & bands from the 50s, 60s and 70s.

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A video is worth a thousand words. Experience the Framus Vintage models and the full nostalgic sound in action.

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